One day after mid-term elections GOP announces goal,
Denying re-election.If the shoe were on the other foot it would read the same way.
What a sad collection
Of oppositional delectation
We have gotten ourselves into
You’d think we could think this through
Beyond something more than next election day.Maybe we need to go back to school
And re-learn how to play
Not by the rules – those figurehead tools
Of seeming to look correct
But really learning how to get along and share
And work with those who opposeTo bring about a compromise
Inclusive of diversity
Allowing freedom’s choice to be
Someone who thinks differently
Than me.
You’d think we could think this through!
Old Abraham said it bestWho wants a fine house once to build
Must not tear down the rest
Could we just for once instead
Concentrate on curing ills
By finding a way together?
Where is choice A and B without
The shouting match and clout Of proponents spreading doubt
About the other view,
As if only one will do?
Can we not find our way through
To combining and forming a newPath, wider than the last
Allowing different stories to exist?
What we stand for counts very much more
Than everything we oppose.For when all is said and done
The victory’s been won
There’s nothing left to toast it on.
We’re led astray.
Distracted, re-directed
So as never to view clearlyThe point we’re working to
But rallied to stand firmly
‘Gainst the one we disagree.
Once finished we’ve lost the sight
Because we never forward lookedBeyond the getting our way.
Victory is for today
The rest of us live tomorrow.
There is a better way.