As Earth Day dawns, cool and green,
with sun's soft sheen, sheets of clouds,
painted scene -
As birds trill softly their morning song
Let us remember times not long gone
of fear and pain and terror then,
soft morning dawns, welcoming again
a day of new beginnings....
Built into our very human nature is the need, once in every twenty-four
hours, to go down into darkness and sleep so that we awake and arise
again, fresh and renewed. We are creatures of cycles and renewal.
Today, Earth Day, is a day to honor our home, our planet; that space
real estate, piece of celestial matter that defines us, literally forms
us out of her substance, providing every molecule in our physical bodies
and every molecule necessary for its sustenance and existence here.
In the small
amount of Shamanic work and spiritual truth I have begun to learn and
work with, I am told that Mother Earth, while she cannot take all our
physical pollution and garbage and toxic waste, waits and wants to
receive and thereby relieve and heal all our emotional garbage and
pollution and toxicity.
And so this Earth Day, in honor of
Gaia, I propose we release our personal garbage, our emotional pain, our
hatreds, fears, anxieties, our negative energies and thoughts, to
Mother Earth, who waits patiently for her children to give them to her.
How to do this? One quick and fairly easy way is to stand with your
feet on the ground, or sit with your seat grounded and back fairly
straight between earth and sky. Breathe in, imagining an opening in the
top of your head at your crown chakra and pull in energy. Then flush it
through your system, cleansing each energy center, the neural ganglia
that physically make up your other chakra centers, by imagining clear
light pushing through and out each center as you exhale and then finally
pushing all the negative energy right down through your feet or seat
and into the ground. Discharging and clearing your negative energies by
giving them to Mother Earth today will be the biggest and best healing
and present you
can give her – and yourself. Once we learn to stop carrying garbage
around in ourselves, we may even find a way to clear our physical
garbage and release and restore Gaia herself by taking our rightful
place in the beautiful order of the chaos of life!
Not sure of where your energy centers are? Check them out here:
Have a wonderful day of peace, honoring Mother, honoring your spiritual
self, and that marvelous, intricate miraculous physical being comprised
of all the wonders of the earth that you are walking around in today,
your body. Namaste.