Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Politics of Words

            …or, thoughts and observations on political debates and advertising

Beware, Beware, oh gullible voting public
Who know not how to think and judge
By deeds and accomplishments,
But give more creed to words of speed
Produced to prick your consciousness.
By means of shock and emotion
Your votes are spoken
reactions to verbiage, not always true,
But mass produced
And pushed before your eyes
To dull your mind’s ability to recognize
What is happening versus what you are told.

Beware, beware, oh gullible voting public
Of half-truths pushed across the internet
By those who seek to spread
Their own reactive dread
To that which they oppose
For reasons that are theirs, not yours.
They know us well,
Those who push their agendas till
They’ve won our emotional opinion
Or sotted our critical thinking
With apparent facts un-verified,
To keep us all from using
Eyes and minds of our own choosing.
They know we are but mortal frames
Who do not want to toil and pain
To dig through piles
Of information and facts
To sift out for ourselves
Truths upon which to act.

But rather let them spoon feed us
With stuff that pleases our political tongues,
Like hungry hurried shoppers in the store
Not looking at what there is inside
The wrapper they grab to buy,
And then wondering why
They are still hungry or sick or tired
When they’ve eaten what is easily bought-
Pleasing their eye, without any thought
Expecting it to fill
When it contains nothing real.

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