Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Shark Tank


Back in 2020 I offered an Animal Tarot card reading on the post election energies. To my dismay, Shark came up as the final outcome card. Not knowing what time-frame my reading was encompassing, I have waited and watched. I think perhaps the time is now. 

The message of Shark is that it is death and destruction, but it is not personal. A shark has no personal connection. It just sees prey, food, and is ultimately equipped to eat it, ravenously. It never looks at you when it does. Its lack-life eyes roll back in its head so it can devour you without ever seeing you. 

The antidote to Shark, the Destroyer, in the message, was to stay out of its path. Shark will destroy everything in its path with no thought or care. Just beware and watch out for it.The deal is to stay out of its way.

Once again, Shark has swum into our home waters. This poem came through and I offer it here as the vision appeared as I was writing it:

The Shark Tank


It’s a feeding frenzy on the American Economy.

Watch as the sharks circle waiting to close in on Washington

The gleam in their emotionless eyes

Is the reflection of their supporters’ surprise

As they find themselves the prize

Meal on the table


The crumbs of our meager fortunes

Are their meat and bones

To be crunched and imbibed

Benefits and freedoms denied

As we cough up our innards and strive to survive


The sharks are circling in glutenous greed

The vampire’s meal, with jubilation, to feed

On America’s flesh and blood, sweetened with sweat.

We are the entrée – the scent of our death drives them mad


We squeeze up all we have into the giant never satisfied maw

Delighting the deceivers who lured us

Into the shallows of thoughtlessness

Tempting us with more

When we are it – all they were hoping for.

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